Monday, 20 July 2015

Bobby Jindal: the man who deserves a retirement

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal the first american with Indian roots to become the governer of an American state, as the governer of lousiana is running for president and thinks he is better to lead americans than Barack Obama..
I heartly congratulate this man for having come this far in his political life and would love to see him retire with immediate effect. Don't get me wrong...I am in no mood to celebrate the rise of an Indian american in american political circle. There are plenty of other things for me to be proud of Indian Americans.

The Indian American success story has always been about highly intelligent individuals who made progressive development in their own fields of speciality for the good of masses and their own inner calling. While I celebrate Kalpana Chawla, Sunita Williams and other high profile Indian origin americans I fail to understand the undue coverage given to this most conservative Individual who lives in 21st century with the ideals of middle ages.

Yes, you heard me right. Bobby has already declared his intention to bring changes to some of the federal government laws based on his experiments as Governor of Louisiana. He claims his state is pro life in having banned abortion..But what about the rights of a woman in deciding whether or not to have children. All the citizens of  United States are not bound by the laws of Bible as Mr Jindal. While speaking about the rights of a fetus... He fails to understand the rights of a woman who is forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy which might have happened under the influence of drugs if not intentionally. Even when the pregnancy happens due to consensual intercourse between two adults it is the right of a woman to decide whether to single parent her child or not to have that unwanted child. Even a married woman has more rights over her body and not the law....

My arguements are clear...if the kins of a brain dead individual have the right to decide on removing life support to such individuals then the mother of an unborn child has the right to decide wether the child must be given a chance of life or not.

Will Mr Jindal or his state take up the responsibilty if someone is forced to carry a child and later on due to hate on that child gives up that child to orphanage??? Orphans have the right to live but have the state and religion got any right to create orphans??

United States with its scientific Advancements has led the rational world much to the admiration of religious saints like Vivekananda... Electing a man who is not just irrational but dangerously regressive would result in taking America back in time to an age where religious identity clashed with rational of science...Barack Obama may not come across as the best of United States' presidents but he will surely be remembered as a man of few good ideas.

I am not a supoorter of LGB's but I support the decisions of judiciary that have resulted in positive changes happening in a democratic society...much like the key supreme court judgements that have helped in strengthening Indian democracy....But this man by outrightly rejecting U S Supreme court judgement on gay marriage just because his politico religious identity shows him to be anti gay has showed to the world that his executive decisions are not formed by legal, humanitarian,cultural,social or rational influences...but purely by his pseudo religious identity to woo the conservative population.... much like an average subcontinental politician who plays with the emotions of people based on caste sentiments.

Bobby is a material made for one section of US population still bound by the idealogy of their ignorant forefathers and people who are prisoners of their past....The American society known for its big American dream where every individual has the liberty to do what he or she loves deserves someone better...

You may not get a Lincoln again but don't settle for a desrve better and the world leaders who take decisions based on the decisions of a POTUS deserve better.

Electing him is the choice Republicans must make between chosing to be prisoner of the past or becoming prince of the future.

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