Ashoka won the war. Spread Buddhism to the world. Did spread of Buddhism cleanse him off his taints as a mass murderer in kalinga war? War is a great leveller. The pain of many creates a transformation in survivors. Ashoka survived and became great. Not because he won the kalinga war. Because he won the war within him. He became Ashoka the great. The greatest. King of Kings. Chandashoka became devanampriya ashoka. Therefore learned souls say defeat the enemy within.
Politics is also about similar traits,with a wicked twist. It's about defeating the enemy but making your enemy defeat his own inner self. Making him believe he is winning,making him not realise that he is a pawn in your great mind game where you play your game in his mind and ultimately defeat,destroy and humiliate him. The noble battle of ideologies and ideas,character assassination,political murders,loot and everything perfectly uncivilised in a civil world. Politicians are a notch above civilians! Yes you heard it right. We play with your dreams,your ideas,your faith at your own cost and we reap rich dividends out of it. We play the real game of thrones while you helplessly cheer for us. The great cheerleaders of crazy democracy.
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