Tuesday 2 June 2015

When a professional falls in love..

I am writing this post as I came accross a comment that i posted 4 years ago on a contest on the book titled When a lawyer falls in love...I have taken the liberty to redicule certain professionals falling in love. Please don't mind as I haven't even spared my profession..that of a banker..Okay let me get you in to this weird post..

When a lawyer falls in love his life becomes a case law with romantic twists
 with better debates in relationship than in court room.He writes a book of love with new provisions and sections governing the couples' romantic relationship...he becomes a fierce debator trying to convince his would be father in law to give his daughter's hand in marriage...the debate being better than the one he makes for his clients in courtroom.

When a Policeman falls in love..the locked portion of his heart opens to the possibilities of his love life.He starts seeing his lover's name in every FIR he files and him being the accused of not having given enough time to his lady love.He day dreams of being put behind the bars in a room called his lover's heart. He dreams of becoming a supercop in love much like suriya or ajay devgn from singam..

When a Shakespearen teacher falls in love he starts finding his lady in every line the master poet decribes the beauty of a woman..He fears for his love life if it were to become another Romeo Juliet...forgetting the fact that you can shape your love life as you like it.

When a Writer falls in love he starts writing about the beauty of woman...his lady love appearing in different names as characters in his romantic literature..He makes her the ideal woman or someone from neverland...making his readers search in vein for such a woman..as there can be only one such woman who happens to  reside in the writer's heart.

When a Banker falls in love he loses track of how much he spent on his last date let alone remember how much balance his account has. He starts calculating the pros and cons that a relationship can offer and thinks if there is a better alternative? His life becomes hell as he feels the target given at his workplace is achievable than the demands of a relationship.

When a Software Engineer falls in love he thinks of creating a software that can understand the mood swings of his lover as his mind and heart have already been hired by the HR to be governed until the day he is fired. He starts going to gym to lose that extra fat at tummy developed by long hours of sitting. His life becomes beta version where every action of his is closely scrutinised by his lover and when at fault to be sent back for upgradation.

and finally

 When a Doctor falls in love his mind starts searching for the newest drug in the market that can help infuse a bit of happiness inside him to be presentable on a date. He becomes a caselaw for fellow doctors as a live example of a disease called love for personal life. He starts developing symptoms like lack of anxiety  while treating a serious patient and a smile on his face when his duty ends for the day. His partner seems to him like a patient full of love towards him and he feels duty bound to treat her well in his full professionalism to make her feel like his best patient...in his own terms.

PS: This post is dedicated two of my friends one who is an engineer and the other a doctor...ofcourse I am a banker who happens to be writer..who is very much single. ;-D

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